Thursday, January 1, 2009

Diabetes On The Rise

A rapidly growing and alarming trend of Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis, is brewing in the united stateswith obesity levels at an all time high. Predictions indicate this trend will only get worse.

The diagnosis of diabetes has skyrocketed from 5.5 to 6.5 percent between 2001 and 2002.WOW! That's a dramatic increase happening in just one year!
Generally, twelve million Americans have been diagnosed and another 5 million Americans are unaware they have diabetes.More chilling is another 12 million are in danger of developing type 2 diabetes because of impaired glucose levels.

Not knowing is the worst because risks of untreated diabetes puts us at a serious risk of complicationsincluding but not limited to blindness, disability, amputations and ultimately death.

The paradox is, that type 2 diabetes is almost completely preventable. Physician’s say eat less, eat better and exercise. The numbers show just how many Americans are currently overweight.

Another paradox is it's generally more expensive to eat healthy and cheaper to eat unhealthy.However, with proper nutritional education from health care professionals including Dieticians healthy eating can be affordable if not cheaper.

Statistics point to people living longer and it has been on the rise for years. But this will not continue to progress if type 2 diabetes is not put under control.We are a greedy society and ultimately it is affecting how we live and how long we live.

And unfortunately, the diabetes epidemic is not just confined to the US. It is spreading worldwide with epidemic reports in the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean.

It is estimated that by 2025, the number of diabetics worldwide will rise to 380 million. Diabetes is nowaffecting more young and middle-aged population in developing countries between the
ages of 40 and 59.

There is a great book on achieving normal blood sugars by Dr. Richard Bernstein, I highly
recommend it!

Let's hear from you about the challenges you are facing with Diabetes or your thoughts and receive a FREE GIFT!

Marcus Washington is a licensed Registered Respiratory Therapist with over 15 years of experience in the Health Care Industry. Marcus promotes health & wellness and delivers health & wellness tips and information to his readers. Visit Marcus Washington at

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fill Your "Success Gap " with the BBC Online Success Institute

Are you new to internet marketing?

Clueless about blogging?

Advertising your business and not getting the results you desire?

Not meeting your financial goals for your business?

If you can say yes to one or more statements, there is an option that can help your predicament.

It's the Black Business Cafe Online Success Institute, I came across the website by accident.

The BBCOSI is not your regular online course where you pay your money and you are on your own.

After your apply, there are 2 phone interviews you have to do, that is done to make sure you and the BCCOSI will be a good fit.

In the case its not, your money is refunded. WOW! That's a fair deal.

Your course program is designed to your own business to help you become more
successful in your business and your are taught the tools to succeed!

My interviews were about 1.5 hrs and 2 hrs for the second interview, don't panic it's a mutual exchange of information.

Check out the Black Business Cafe Online Success Institute TODAY!

Let me hear from you regarding your business success challenges you are faciing today!

Marcus Washington is a licensed Registered Respiratory Therapist with over 15 years of experience in the Health Care Industry. Marcus promotes health & wellness and delivers health & wellness tips and information to his readers. Visit Marcus Washington at